5 days, 5 broadcasts for our first virtual Clean Water Fest.
From Monday, September 7 through Friday, September 11, we will feature five YouTube Live broadcasts with featured content, expert interviews, downloads and interaction like we've never hosted before. Every day will feature:
Each day will focus on a different aspect of our clean-water work. Get to know how water flows in our urban region, and you'll see our treatment plants, water professionals, kids activities, trucks and tools, and tours of all kinds.
Every day will feature panel interviews with our experts. Our work is funded by ratepayers, but the work is performed by professionals of all kinds and experiences. Hear from them and ask your questions as we interact with more than a dozen pros from across the organization.
Downloads, video links, partner resources, all kinds will be featured with each day's broadcast, including special content that will only be featured for a limited time during and after Clean Water Fest.